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tv   The Cycle  MSNBC  May 17, 2013 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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singing for members of congress today. he was grilled for hours on the hill over the agency's controversial practices of singling out conservative groups. for extra scrutiny when applying for tax-exempt status. admiral defended himself to members of the house, ways and means who want to know what he knew and when and if he misled congress at hearings last year. >> this was the time frame in 2010 when citizens united was out. there was a lot of discussion in the system about the use of c-4s. people in cincinnati decided, let's start grouping these cases. let centralize these cases. the way they centralize. ized it, troublesome. the concept, not. we're not targeting these people in that sense. >> you sent letters to congress acknowledging our investigation hese allegations. but consistently omitted that such discriminatory practices that are alleged were actually in fact taking place.
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why did you mislead congress and the american people on this? >> mr. chairman, i did not mislead congress florida tnor t american people. i answered the questions as they were asked. >> joining miller was the man who led the report that brought the practice to light. treasury inspector generous he will george. let's hear what he had to say. >> did you find any evidence of political motivation in the selection of the tax exemption applications? >> we did not, sir. >> you say the irs used inappropriate criteria for identifying these organizations? is that legal? >> it is not illegal, sir. it was unusual. it is contrary to treasury regulations and other policies then in place by the department of. >> understand. the substantial delays, is that illegal or inappropriate in. >> it is inappropriate. >> the third, the unnecessary
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information, illegal or inappropriate? >> inappropriate. >> we'll hear from one of the committee members in a moment. first let's start with luke russert. what did we learn today? >> well, two things. number one, most importantly was that the irs in may of 2012ç w aware of these improper things going on in terms of political targeting. that work wres doing it to make their job more simple and easier. it was not approved, they say, by the higher ups. they are investigating this matter. a lot of members on both sides were upset with that. they believe this is the tip of the iceberg. a lot more information will come out next week in regard to who knew what and when. number two thing we learned today, toure, this got political
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very fast. a lot of folks thought it would be a bipartisan hearing because a lot of democrats had serious questions that the institutional integrity about the irs. the republicans tried to tie the irs scandal to the white house going out of their way to say that perhaps the irs was conflicted with this leak that occurred with the national organization for marriage. and how that could have helped that campaign. that was hit on. that angered a lot of democrats who say let's not focus campaign 2012 or make this campaign 2014. let's talk about the problems we had here within the institution that need to be fixed no matter what party you are. those are the two things we learned. and i will tell çyou, jokers t the right. here i am on a friday afternoon. >> stuck in the middle with you. >> very nice, luke. next time. i want to welcome democratic congressman earl blumenthal who serves on that house, ways and
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means committee which held today's hearings. today on the hill you said the targeting was inexcusable but it was really the product of inadequate staffing, budgeting, training and a process that is perhaps too complex. >> well, let's say that your summary that you gave was perfect. i mean, you got the sense that this is emotionally charged. people are cranky and upset.÷hçy but there was no indication of political interference, involvement from the white house or anything that was actually illegal. but it is inexcusable. the point i was, that committee, was that we have, since i've been in congress, we have been dramatically cutting back on the staffing of the irs. even as we make the tax code more complex. and we have millions more people filing forms. part of what happened here were
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the applications for the status of these ç50 wo1 c 3s and 4's. people who took shortcuts weren't appropriately supervised and held accountable. i am concerned about the long term. we don't want any sense that we can't rely on the integrity of the irs. but congress should stop making the job harder and maybe out of this we'll have a good idea of some things going forward. not only to protect the integrity of the program but improve the service. right now with sequestration. >> you have the cuts from racing
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and you have the antipathy toward the united states. is that why these policy concerns have fallen on deaf ears? how do they get ahead of this for the next time? >> well, that's why i raised the point. we really haven't discussed in any detail at all about these increasing strains on administering a very complex tax code which we keep making more complicated. i am hoping that out of this, not only do we make sure that the irs is doing its job right, that people are heldç accountae if they've made mistakes and certainly if anything is illegal, which hasn't been shown yet. but if it is, they pay the penalty. we need to make sure there is integrity going forward. we rely on the american people to voluntarily comply. the overwhelming majority of them do.
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anything that undercuts that confidence or makes it harder to administer is shooting ourselves in the foot. >> congressman, i got a couple things i want to get to with you. i have to say i love that bicycle pin. that is sharp. it looks great. >> it's bike to workday. >> there you go. i love it. you mentioned the complexity of the tax code. and it strikes me that one of the underlying issues here is how hard it is to judge whether a group should be a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) or not. so the murkiness of that definition which has changed over time has created additional issues. let me get great lawrence o'donnell has been talking about this change to further explain how this transformation has happened. >> the code itself defines 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations as, civic leagues
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or organizations not organized for profit but operatedç exclusively, exclusively for the promotion of social welfare. the interpretation guidelines of that irs say this as of 1959. to be operated exclusively to promote social welfare and organization, must operate primarily to further the common good and general welfare of the people of the community. the irs changed in effect the word exclusively to primarily with no authority whatsoever. >> so congressman, would it be fruitful to return to that orange definition which says it must be exclusively for social welfare for the purpose of social welfare? or is there another further clarification of this definition which would help alleviate this problem? >> i think we would all be better off if we go back to the
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wording of the statute and the orange interpretation of when we have this aftermath, the super pacs, we've got more than enough money. we don't need secret money. we don't need to use tax advantage money. i would strongly urge that we go back to that orange regulation. clear this off will get out of this never never land and not haveç the illusion that we'll split hairs here on this. >> yes. absolutely i agree. and potentially, a good thing as i think treasury could make that change on their own so it wouldn't necessarily have to get grid locked. and looking back at the hearings today, do you feel like the questions you had about this incident have been answered sufficiently thus far? >> well, we have more information coming. there is some clarification. you have people who have all sorts of things bounced off
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them. i thought the inspector general's report was straightforward and useful. let's look at any additional clarification. i walk away from the hearing with a pretty good idea, i think, of what was going on. i have concerns about both that definition we just talked about. we want to make sure that we are adequately staffing and training and that we hold people in management positions accountable. and i think all of that is going to come from today's hearing. >> all right. congressman, thank you very much. >> you bet. >> up next, washington held hostage. is it possible to get anything done when all eyes are on scandal patrol? we've got senator brown live with us next. heavy stuff for a friday. when does daylight come? [ phil ] when you have joint pain and stiffness... accomplishing even little things can become major victories. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer.
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the agenda has been held hostage by some of these so-called scandals. from guns to immigration, taxes, jobs, there is plenty that still needs doing in washington. perhaps the issue held the longest time in captivity is wall street reform. that's not because of any run-of-the-mill scandal. but finally, now there is a bipartisan group of senators trying to change this situation. led by sherrod brown and david vitter, they want to institute, wait for it. capital requirements. some of you remember those. one thing both senators insist, the requirements could actually
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prevent the next bailout. joining us is senator brown from the great state of ohio. you're not the only one who has been calling for this as a reform. you're in some pretty good company. take a look at this. >> down the roerkd three to five years from now. we should be thinking that way. we need to increase the amount of cash required forç banks. >> by beginning to mandate capital requirements, we can realign with our country. >> to get anywhere close to capital adequacy, they would have to double, at least double if not triple adequacy requirements. >> higher requirements for the banks. >> they could have more equity and we would be better off. >> what we want to do is get bank capital up to where it would be without the six dis. >> that was a lot of different experts calling for capital requirements. your bill already upset the banks. tell us, why would capital requirements save taxpayers money in the future?
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>> first of all, i think you're seeing broad support. communicate bankers association is supporting it. all kinds of political commentary, commentators including some considered conservative. economists all across the board. the reason, as j.p. chase did, a $6 billion, $7 billion loss. the worth of their bank drops three or four or 5%. they have a cushion there that they can sustain themselves as a viable financial institution. we also separate the safety net, if you will,"t fdic federal reserve safety net. that depositors have across the country will be restricted to traditional bank activity. sort of the traditional banking that we know of, that we've done for many decades in this country
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but will no longer put them in these high risk derivatives and credit default activities that the wall did some of the more ricky behavior that wall street suggests. >> and senator, as ari mentioned, this bill has a lot of opposition among bankers. one of the community bankers that you alluded to who supports your bill is john who recently wrote in american banker that wall street executives and their lobbyists don't want higher capital ratios because of safer bank results in less leverage, lower return on equity and yes, lower bonus payouts. it seems to me like the purpose of requiring higher capital requirements is to sort of force them to be more responsible and take less risk. is there a way we can fundamentally shift the incentives that exist in the system so that there isn't such high reward for taking such big risk that's can lead to economic catastrophe in taxpayer bailout?
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>> that's the exact central question, crystal. in the exact fundamental issue that when risky behaviorç is rewarded, as it is, in part because the biggest banks get basically subsidies, bloomberg said $83 billion in subsidies every year because of their size. because they're too big to fail in the market. it doesn't matter what david vitter and i think. what matters is the market knows that. when we therefore, the bonuses depend on this risky behavior. the more you borrow, the more leverage you use, the more dollars you're making. the more as a wall street banker bonuses you get. it really skews the system toward more risky behavior. it has been five years since we know what happened in 2007 and '08 to where our banking system almost imploded. taxpayers had to bail out these mega banks and main street
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suffered greatly. people's 401(k)'s, lost jobs, especially in my state. all those things. we want a more conservative common sense approach with margaret discipline. let the markets work here but take away the government subsidy advantage that wall street has lobbied its way into getting with far too many cases, with regulators and with the federal government. >> the tentacles of wall street reach so deep into the capital that meaningful reform is essentially impossible? >> it is not imposryble. i think if you go back a year, this brown/vitter proposal which we had not written but we're talking about, didn't have nearly the support it has got today. we know that since dodd frank was passed, one of the major bank lobbyists after the bill was signed by the president, this lobbyist said it is halftime. meaning we'll spend even more money trying to beat back these regulations from the occ and the
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fdic and the federal reserve. and each of these regulatory, the fcc and the regulatory agencies. we know this fight is not just in congress. it is also in the regulatory agencies. it just means you've got to keep going. this is really important to our economy. because this country can't afford another stumble or fall, depending on how you want to gauge it from what happened in 2007 and 2008. these banks aren't just too big to fail. they're too complicated to run. look what has happened with these large banks' mistakes. they're too complex to regulation. as we've seen, the justice department has said they're too big to jail. you literally can't prosecute these large banks. it would have a ripple effect and it could hurt the financial services industry. that's not the position these banks would have on our society. >> and that's such an important point. we saw yesterday, parts of dodd frank really watered down. one of the things they've said
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about your çbill, because it h the 15% line for $500 billion and large he capitalized banks. you cannot really do an enron in the regulatory process. before we let you go, one other question is of course, at some of these investigations on the hill. are you satisfied with what has been learned at this juncture at the irs? and with regard to these phone records, subpoenas in the leak investigation? do you think it is time to move on? or is there more in your judgment that the process still has to do? >> well, the oversight process has to work. i know that there are a number of people in this city that anything that goes wrong with our country, it is all barack obama's fault. i'm concerned about some of the justice department, the wiretaps and all that. i'm concerned about the irs. the irs needs to do its job, to look across the board at these special interest groups that masquerade as charitable organizations. they're not and they shouldn't get tax-exempt status.
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we can do two things. congress can do investigations. don't overdo it. we move on a farm bill and we need to move on two big to fail and some of these other issues at the same time. which we can do. >> yeah. follow the facts and not just obama bashing. we'll see how those go down. thank you for joining us. >> good to be with you. up next, we'll spin on the day's developments. we have a very special mystery guest. he will take a seat at the table. that's a çhint. a he. a cyclist, a guest. mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004. vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members,
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president obama is trying to change the headlines by focusing on jobs today in baltimore. take a listen. >> i've come here today to talk
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about our single most important priority as a country right now. and that is reigniting the true engine of our check growth. that is a rising, thriving middle class. because i said in my state of the union address this year, that's our north star. that's what we have to focus on. that is what has to guide our efforts. >> physically leaving washington is one way to escape washington politics. these so-called scandals will no doubt still be there to welcome the president back home. so maybe he needs another plan. the new york times reports that the president has confided to close aides that heç fantasize about going bulwark. a reference to the 1998 movie about a senator who drops all pretense and simply says whatever he thinks. to hell with the political consequences. >> we all came down here. bush, clinton, wilson, all of us. we got our pictures taken and told what you you wanted to
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hear. wet pretty much forgot about it. >> did he just say what i think he said? >> and today we have as an honorary spin cyclist, a man who is never afraid to say what he thinks. steve corn actikornacki. >> there is a situation that doesn't work out well. >> really? >> for old time's sake, let's do a good old-fashioned spin cycle on what happened this week with all these scandals. the one i keep thinking about is the irs situation. the extra scrutiny of conservative groups. and i know this is sort of the sexiest one because americans already hate the irs and reporters already hate the irs and they've been trying to make the case that this is part of
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some bigger administration scheme to chill political speech. some are even saying they were doing research on these tea party groupsç which is just absurd. the more i think about it, the more i think this particular one also doesn't really have staying power with the public. republicans are making the same mistakes that they made in the 2012 election which is assuming that the american people hate the president as much as they do. most americans are not going to connect the actions of some low level civil servants who did something that was not right, admittedly, that was ultimately corrected, with some bigger sinister plot linking directly to the president. no one who is not harangly partisan is going to make that connection. even that one, i don't think is going to have real long term legs. although i am certainly confident that republicans will do their darnedest. a la gaeng to keep it going for
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months. >> i do weekends now so all this is news to me. >> i'll give you, i'll use this occasion to get into the mix and to plug our show a little bit. we're going to get into a particular segment of this discussion this weekend. one thing that interests meering with live and talk so much about the hyper polarization. that we sort of live with now. we've had three straight presidential çelections. 2008, 2012, that haven't been define by massive swings. it is not about persuadable voters. it is about the turnout of the waist. so i ten to agree. what crystal just said, i don't think this irs thing, and i'm not sure any of these will have much long term resonance with persuadable voters. i'm not sure that they exist anymore. the question for 2014 really becomes, is this going to be
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something that motivates republican voters, motivates tea party voters to get to the polls in what is otherwise a low turnout circumstance and boost them. or is it a situation and we've seen this happen where republicans go way too far and it provokes a back lash on the democratic side that boosts their turnout in 2014 and hurts the republic. >> and having waves of nostalgia of thele many segments we did, debunking the idea of persuadable voters or swing voters which is always very exciting to do with steve. that was a pet peeve of yours. this idea that there are independent voters which there are not. right now we have a gop that is sal vaigt. they're saying obama is the worst president. that's the thesis. this supposedly is finally their evidence. they are so excited they don't know what to do with this information. look at these two long-time republicanç leaders saying, les
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put on the brakes. note to gop, re benghazi, stop kalgt iran-couldn't rax and he went on to say it only diminishes the scandal. peggy noonan. we are in the midst of the worst washington scandal since watergate. she is running around with her head cut off. is it watergate or is it not? they can't really figure it out. the potential for overreach seems about 100%. what you're getting into is that they're going to create a situation where they cannot work with the president. the base and the media organizations are saying you cannot work with this guy. he is the worst president ever. then you cannot get to something like say, immigration reform. something they needed to change the demographic to reverse the trend lines that we saw in 2012. they continue with this all white party. let the hispanic voters. >> all white everything.
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>> we have kornacki here. i'm reminded of jean kirkpatrick. >> you're in the '80s and 90s. >> she said, you know what we have? we have a blame america first crowd. and that went broader than the republican electorate. it resonated with the american public. while we do have to have accountability in our culture, we don't want to blame america first before we have all the facts. what we have to echo them, we have a blame obama first crowd. that's no way to conduct an investigation. i want to go through two quickly. if you start with the justice department where i think as a journalist, we do need to be careful when we subpoena phone records. very simple. look at the flow chart. you start with ronald machen. he reports to jim cash. holder is recused.
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there is no obama in the picture because the president doesn't deal with telephone record subpoenas and there is no holder because he recused himself which is a matter of public record. >> shouldn't he have been told? shouldn't obama have been told? >> no. he shouldn't have been told about the telephone record subpoenas. so that i think is the fact. that's how the investigation works. number two. this is my last one. irs. we start with cincinnati on the left. what's going on in low level employees. it's bad. that goes to lois lerner. if you go up higher to the testimony and the top of the agency, you get on doug shulman who is a republican. so it's a problem. if it goes to the top, it is a republican. there is a political glass ceiling on these scandals. that doesn't mean they should not be investigated but it does mean that a fairç reading of t facts, doesn't implicate the white house. we have to look at them substantively. not only tools to exploit. the american public has seen this before. it they will keep a close eye.
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if the hand is overplayed, it will be clear. >> you got me. >> i was going to say, a fair reading of the facts is not really their specialty. i wish they would be more creative. how many times have we heard something is watergate? at least come up with another analogy. it is so great having you sitting with us. ar i says he will give us his seat any time for you. >> i wish i knew that of. >> i am still using steve's mug. no, i'm not. >> excellent. and be sure to watch up with steve kornacki every saturday and sunday morning. part of the reason we had room for kornacki is because s.e. is traveling to l.a. to be on realtime with bill maher tonight so do not miss that. straight ahead, a sneak peek at the epic new discovery, north america, bon jovi does the theme song you're listening to. and the moments and images
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captured are truly amazing. >> now mother and kid are separated. then courage overcomes fear. [ male announcer ] erica had a rough day. there was this and this. she got a parking ticket... ♪
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the discovery crews traveled to see the beauty of the north american continent and the wildlife terrain them culled it down to a series called north america that premiers this sunday night at 9:00. thank you for being here. >> so these animals are wild. they look wild. what is it like being close to them? >> it depends on what animals you're talking about. it is very different getting close to a clip monk than a bear. >> yeah.ç it varies enormously. all the techniques, sometimes using long lenses. sometimes you're down in the dirt. it is just hugely varied. >> i mean, to that point. watching some of these shots, i'm thinking how in the world did you even accomplish this? i can only imagine how complicated and difficult the production process was.
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what were some of the challenges you had? >> i think every sequence had a challenge. what we're trying to do is often show what might be considered quite familiar in unfamiliar ways. we were having to think about how to surprise people, how to sort of give that extra revelation. but you mentioned hurricane irene. that was a very good example of the challenges we were facing. there have been huge extremes of weather. you know, something like a hurricane, you don't know where it is going to go. we were waiting on tender hooks for the answers to where it was going to hit. that meant we couldn't plan much in advance. in the end we had about a 36-hour window. as soon as we got that, as soon as they gave us the thumb up, we were there ready and waiting.ç
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it could have gone another direction and fizzled out. that's what we get used to. animal don't read scripts. and weather is unpredictable. >> my favorite moment. we see a bobcat has captured a gopher. but he is playing with him. what is going on here? >> yes. well, we don't like to an do that too much. >> simply in any way we can explain it was that it took him so long to catch that gopher that he thought, my gosh. i've finally done it. it was like the joy of actually finally getting this gopher in its paws. >> you can't avoid that. >> that's how i would describe it. it was the sheer joy of catching the gopher. >> he is throwing a little party
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there. >> what are the best places for people to visit? you talk about 15% of america is federally protected land. does that mean people should flock to the state parks in national parks? >> you may not be aware of this. your national park system is the best in the world. by a long shot. and i mean, personally,ç i thi the deserts of arizona and utah are fantastic. i love the bad lands. there are so many places. you can take your pick. whether you want deserts or forests. this is the whole lifetime of trips, really, this continent. >> the bad list of south dakota. >> not bad meaning bad but bad meaning good. >> if you're anywhere in striking distance of the bad lands of south dakota, you have to get there. >> a tip to remember.
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don't miss the downright entertaining series about our own backyard. it will be sun night, 9:00 central on the discovery channel. if those cute animals are not enough, we have a moment on tape that might make you say ah. we'll roll along here on a sunny friday. ♪ i' 'm a hard, hard ♪ worker every day. ♪ i' ♪ i'm a hard, hard worker and i'm working every day. ♪
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and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel.
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before mike could see his banking and investing accounts on one page... before he could easily transfer funds between the two in real time... before he could even think about planning for his daughters' future... mike opened a merrill edge investment account and linked it to his bank of america bank account to help free up plenty of time for the here and now. that's the wonder of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america.
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there was a really lovely moment last night at the rays game in tampa when 9-year-old alanna threw out the first pitch, chosen in part because her father has been serving in afghanistan for two years. the prerecorded video of him serving wishing her good luck played before she stepped to the mound. as she made the toss, unbeknownst to her, it was dad behind the catcher's mask. when he pulls it off, she runs to him and there is not a dry eye in the house. daughters give dads lots of moments of heart breaking sweetness. you have to protect your girl from every male around. for advice on how the raise girlsering with turn obviously to this man. >> quasi modeo predicted all this. >> what? >> these problems in the middle east. >> nostradomas. quasimoto is the hunch back.
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two different things completelyç >> interesting. >> that's bobby from the sopranos, father of two lovely girls and now the author of big daddy's rules. raising daughters is tougher than i look. it is indeed tougher than you would imagine. a lot of people nowadays wants to be friends with their kids and be on the same level. and you say, heck no. >> listen, i'm your father. i'm not your friend. but i am the best friend you're going to have in your life. because no one ever is going to care about you as much as i care about you. so big daddy's rules. the first rule is i make the rules. all right? >> it's not a democracy will. >> absolutely not. listen, because i said so. the four greatest words ever. you know why you cannot get 14 piercings in your ears? do you know why you cannot get a tattoo on your neck? because i said so. and i'm paying the bills.
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that's why you can't. and i know what is best for you at this point in your life. simple. it's common sense. >> i have a daughter who is 5. and i also find at this point, if i get into the explanation, it go down this enless path of well, why, what about this? let's negotiate. it is a lot simpler if you say that's how it is. i wanted to ask you this. there's been all this talk about tiger moms and all these different types of parenting and you have your ownç taxonomy. you have a bunch of categories, control freaks, pushovers, needy, muscle, super efficient, guilt, tough love. then you have three categories for dads. this is what i want to you break down. you've got the golden retriever, the gym teacher and of course, the big daddy. what -- >> the golden retriever dad. he does everything the kid says. the kid comes and announces he wants to do something. i want to go a ball became.
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the father is on the phone calling scalpers. we have to take care of this kid. we've got to take care of him. we've got to do whatever it takes. the kid is controlling the house. the big daddy, listen, the big daddy is, he mouth, a big temper, and a big heart. he's there, he's forever present. whether you're there or you're not there. you know. i hope my daughter, she's away at college. i hope she thinks twice about making a bad decision. would nigh mom and dad want me to do this? what have we instilled in here? gym teacher, sports guy, living through his son vicariously, puts him in every sport whether he wants to do it or not. some kids want to play the piano. let mem play the piano. you know? you don't have to be a sports nut. the three categories. big daddy, doesn't matter what size you are, how big, how small, it's in your heart. >> technology, when i was growing up, some kisç had beepers so parents could eep
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keep track of them. now they have cell phones. >> the kids think i'm doing them a favor by giving them a cell. it's doing me a favor. text me when you get there, text me when you get in the cab, text me when you get home. beepers were a graeat #vq daughter, listen, i want you to put the computer down. watch tv. it's okay to watch tv. >> do that together. >> get on the don't text. talk to someone. >> speaking of watching tv, you have a movie coming up on nickelodeon. "mafia for kids." >> no, no.
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no mafia for kids. this is the closest -- >> that's what they told me it was. >> mafia for kids? >> it's based on a book that i wrote in 2005. it's on nickelodeon. may 27th. 8:00 p.m. eastern time. it is a family movie. a comedic movie. it's really funny. tony sarico, rita çmorino play my mom. it's a beautiful movie. >> we'll check that out. >> it's not a mafia movie. >> somebody is going to get fired behind that. congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> congratulations on being part of one of the greatest television shows of all-time. speaking of parenting, father's day is around the corner. i love spending father's day with my kids. i remember all the times my dad took me to celtics games during the larry byrd era. and one story about the vets coming home from afghanistan, surprising his daughter at the rays game. what's your favorite sports moment with your dad? erin margaret says, my dadded
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catch with me every day as a kid when i knew he didn't want to. that's lovely. that is fatherhood. like us on facebook. don't forget. father's day is a month away. not to early to start shopping. up next, anthony weiner is looking more and more like he could announce a bid for mayor at any time. new york station wnbc spotted weiner and his wife shooting what appeared to be a campaign style video in brooklyn. buddy, your main competition may come from me. i'm still thinking about runnine for mayor, but it's not going so for mayor, but it's not going so well right now.ills that i needed to make one of those tech jobs mine. we teach cutting-edge engineering technology, computer information systems, networking and communications management -- the things that our students need to know in the world today. our country needs more college grads to help fill all the open technology jobs. to help meet that need, here at devry university, we're offering $4 million dollars in tech scholarships for qualified new students. learn more at
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>>. ♪ new york i love you madly, but yes, you're bringing me down a little. remember a few weeks ago when i told you i was thinking about running for mayor? new york city, i'm thinking about running for mayor. well, i've been testing the waters and frankly, it's not going that well. seems everything in my campaign is falling apart. my polling isn't trending upward. and after some philosophical disagreements, i had to fire my campaign manager, ari melber. >> i told you, i quit. >> so i'm without a campaign manager, but i'm considering hiring a talented, smart and experienced political operative named krystal ball. >> i would never manage you. >> and i've been working on an endorsement that i think could be helpful from s.e. cupp. >> that's probably a good idea. her endorsement could cost me some votes in this city, but my true nemesis is this woman. christine quinn. the new york city council speaker and the clear front-runner in the mayoral race. such that some look at the race
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as a virtual coronation. quinn is openly gay and married. she has a bold, brash, persona and a bit to the chrisç christ mold and a close political friend of mayor bloomberg. quinn is leading the recent quinnipiac poll by a lot and dominating the fund-raising race and i wouldn't bother you with details of this local race except your favorite cyclist is in the primary, and new york primaries have national reverberations. the last two, bloomberg and giuliani, were in the presidential conversation for a brief period. there's a historic aspect to quinn's candidacy. she would become one of the most powerful openly gay elected officials in american history. some of the dynamics around her seemingly inevitable candidacy would be instructed for other races like, say, hillary 2016. being the overwhelming favorite leads to sucking up all the oxygen in the race. almost all the media coverage gravitates to you as do northeast of the donors. hillary found out in '08, inevitability is a challenge in
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and of itself. the front-runner absorbs the attacks and has media scrutiny trained on them. if there's dirt to be found, reporters are dying to find it. inevitability opens you up to an underdog who can ride past you on a wave of momentum. inevitable candidates don't surge. they just sit there at the top running out the clock. but sometimes a funny things happens on the way to the coronation. you know, i could win this thing if i had a true political genius to manage my campaign. someone who's a friend, who's got an encyclopedic knowledge of politics and no fashion senseç whatsoever. who fits that bill? wait. i know. >> i hardly endorse this person and/or product. >> steve, really? really? you guys know that if i was running for mayor, i wouldn't be around all the time. >> well, that's a good reason. >> oh, well, that's -- maybe we should reconsider. >> go for it. do it. >> okay. do it. you know what, screw you guys. i'm going home and i'm taking my ball with me and i'm going to
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get a true political genius to manage my campaign. and his name is martin bashir. >> sorry. no chance whatsoever. good afternoon, it's friday, may the 17th. and a civil servant faces the guillotine. republicans are grandstanding. and the president, well, he just wants to get on with the job. ♪ >> i want to apologize on behalf of the internal revenue service. >> people are losing confidence in our government. >> foolish mistakes were made. not an act of partisanship. >> this is a problem for the irs being too large, too powerful. >> who knows who they'll target next. >> the last week of scandals has been like christmas morning. >> why did you mislead the congress and the american people? >> how can we not conclude you misled this committee? >> why are all the presents wrapped? what are they trying to he?